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EXC-2000/4000/8000, Unet2 Family & Multi Protocol Support
EXC-2000/4000/8000, Unet2 Family & Multi Protocol Support
EXC-8000 Family - carrier boards
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EXC-8000PCIe HW Manual
[8000pcie_hw] User's Manual for EXC-8000PCIe c
8000 SW Manual
[4000-families-sw] Programmer's Reference / So
EXC-8000PCIeHC HW manual
[8000pcieHC_hw] User's Manual for EXC-8000PCIe
EXC-8000PCIe104plus HW manual
[8000pcie104p_hw] User's Manual for EXC-8000PC
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
8000cPCI Hardware Manual
[8000cPCI_hw] User's Manual for EXC-8000cPCI
EXC-2000/4000 Family & EXC-4500ccVPX - carrier boards
View files by
Legacy and Other OS
EXC-4000PCI[e] family Hardware Manual
[4000pci_hw] User's Manual for EXC-4000PCI[e]
EXC-4000/8000/2000 Carrier board Family Software M
[4000-families-sw] Programmer's Reference / So
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
Software Tool for VxWorks - Pentium and Power PC
[m4kpci-st-Vx] Software Tools (API) for VxWorks Pe
EXC-4500ccVPX Hardware Manual
[4500ccVPX_hw] User's Manual for EXC-4500ccVPX
64bit Linux Software Tools
[4000pci-st-ln-x64] Software Tools (API) for 64bit
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
EXC-2000PCI[e] family Hardware Manual
[2000pci-hw] User's Manual for EXC-2000PCI[e]
EXC-4000P104plus Hardware Manual
[4000P104plus-hw] User's Manual for EXC-4000P1
EXC-4000VME & EXC-4000VXI - carrier boards
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Legacy and Other OS
EXC-4000VME & EXC-4000VXI Hardware Manual
[4000vme_vxi-hw] User's Manual for EXC-4000VME
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kvme-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for Wind
EXC-4000 Family Software Manual
[4000-sw] Programmer's Reference / Software Ma
LynxOS Software Tools ccVME
[1553VMEpx-st-lynxOS] Software Tools (API) for Lyn
M4K1553Px / M8K1553Px (1760) - modules
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LabVIEW & LabWindows
Legacy and Other OS
LabWindows drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4k1553pcipx-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Wind
[1553px-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API) for 32bit & 64bit Windows; C and C# drivers with source code and compiled demo programs; for use with 1553Px module on PCI[e] family, UNET family, and PCMCIA/Px cards
LabVIEW drivers 32bit-64bit
[1553px-pciUnet-vi-win32-win64] LabVIEW drivers (32bit) for 1553Px modules
M4K1553Px Hardware Manual
[M4K1553Px_HW] User's Manual for M4K1553Px; Ha
1553Px Software Manual
[1553Px_SW] Programmers Reference / Software Manual
VxWorks PPC drivers
[m4k1553vmepx-st-vx] Software Tools (API) for VxWo
VMIC Software Tools 32bit Windows
[m4k1553vmicpx-st-win] VMIC Software Tools (API) f
MerlinPlus software
[merlinplus] MerlinPlus GUI Software: Set the modu
MerlinPlus manual
[merlinplus-sw] MerlinPlus Software Manual; How to
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4k1553vmepx-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) fo
LabVIEW RT drivers 32bit
[m4k1553pcipx-viRT-win] LabVIEW RT (RealTime) driv
LynxOS Software Tools ccVME
[1553ccVMEpx-st-lynxOS] Software Tools (API) for L
VxWorks Pentium drivers
[m4k1553pciPx-st-vxpen] Software Tools (API) for V
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
64bit Linux Software Tools
[1553px-pciUnet-st-linux64] Software Tools (API) for 64bit Linux
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
M8K1553Px Hardware Manual
[M8K1553Px_HW] User's Manual for M8K1553Px module
M4K1553MCH / M8K1553MCH - modules
View files by
LabVIEW & LabWindows
Legacy and Other OS
M4K1553MCH Hardware Manual
[m4k1553mchmod-hw] User's Manual for M4K1553MC
M4K1553MCH and PCI/MCH Software Manual
[m4k1553mchmod-sw] Programmer's Reference / So
LabWindows drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4k1553pcimch-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Win
VxWorks Pentium drivers
[m4k1553pcimch-st-vxpen] Software Tools (API) for
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4k1553pcimch-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API
LabVIEW drivers 32bit-64bit
[] LabVIEW drivers (32bit-64bit) for Windows for 1553MCH modules on 4000/8000 card families
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4k1553vmemch-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) f
MerlinMCH software
MerlinMCH GUI Software: Set the module to run one
MerlinMCH manual
MerlinMCH Software Manual; How to setup and run th
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
PCI/MCH Hardware Manual
[1553pcimch-hw] User's Manual for EXC-1553PCI/
M4K429RTx / M8K429RT5 - modules
View files by
LabVIEW & LabWindows
Legacy and Other OS
LabWindows drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4k429pcirtx-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Wind
VxWorks Pentium drivers
[m4k429pcirtx-st-vxpen] Software Tools (API) for V
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[429rtx-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API)
LabVIEW drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4k429pcirtx-vi-win] LabVIEW drivers (32bit) for
M4K429RTx Hardware Manual
[m4k429rtx_hw] User's Manual for M4K429RTx; Ha
429RTx Software Manual
[429rtx_sw] Programmer's Reference / Software Manual
VxWorks PPC drivers
[m4k429vmertx-st-vx] Software Tools (API) for VxWo
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4k429vmertx-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) fo
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
Mystic software
[mystic] Mystic GUI Software: Set the module to ru
LabVIEW RT drivers 32bit
[m4k429pcirtx-viRT-win] LabVIEW RT (RealTime) driv
LynxOS Software Tools ccVME
[m4k429rtxvme-st-lynxOS] Software Tools (API) for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
64bit Linux Software Tools
[429rtx-pciUnet-st-linux64] Software Tools (API) for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
Mystic manual
[mystic-sw] Mystic Software Manual; How to setup a
M8K429RTx Hardware Manual
[m8k429rtx_hw] User's Manual for M8K429RTx
M4K708 / M8K708 - modules
View files by
LabVIEW & LabWindows
Legacy and Other OS
M4K708 Hardware Manual
[M4K708_HW] User's Manual for M4K708; Hardware
M4K708 Software Manual
[M4K708_SW] Programmer's Reference / Software
LabWindows drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4k708pci-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Windows
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[708-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API) for 3
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4k708vme-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for W
LabVIEW drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4k708pci-vi-win] LabVIEW drivers (32bit) for Win
64bit Linux Software Tools
[m4k708-st-ln64] Software Tools (API) for 64bit Li
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
Weather Radar 708 - GUI
GUI application for ARINC-708
M8K708 Hardware Manual
[m8k708_hw] User's Manual for M8K708
M4K717 / M8K717 - modules
View files by
M4K717 Software Manual
[M4K717_SW] Programmer's Reference / Software
M4K717 Hardware Manual
[M4K717_HW] User's Manual for M4K717; Hardware
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[717-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API) for 32bit
M8K717 Hardware Manual
[m8k717_hw] User's Manual for M8K717
M4KSerial / M8KSerialPlus - modules
View files by
LabVIEW & LabWindows
Legacy and Other OS
LabWindows drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4kpcisll-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Windows
LabVIEW drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4kpcisll-vi-win] LabVIEW drivers (32bit) for Win
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[serial-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API
M4KSerial Hardware Manual
[M4KSerial_HW] User's Manual for M4KSerial; Ha
M4KSerial Software Manual
[m4ksllmod-sw] Programmer's Reference / Softwa
LabWindows drivers 32bit for VME
[m4kvmesll-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Windows
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kvmesll-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for W
LabVIEW drivers 32bit for VME
[m4kvmesll-vi-win] LabVIEW drivers (32bit) for Win
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
VMIC Software Tools 32bit Windows
[m4kvmicsll-st-win] VMIC Software Tools (API) for
LabVIEW RT drivers 32bit
[m4kpcisll-viRT-win] LabVIEW RT (RealTime) drivers
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
VxWorks Pentium drivers
[m4kpcisll-st-vxpen] Software Tools (API) for VxWo
64bit Linux Software Tools
[m4kpcisll-st-ln-x64] Software Tools (API) for 64b
M4KSerialPlus Hardware Manual
[M4KSerialPlus_hw] User's Manual for M4KSerial
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
SerialChannels software
SerialChannels GUI Software: Configure the Serial
M8KSerial Hardware Manual
[m8kserial_hw] User's Manual for M8KSerial
M4KCan / M4K825Can / M8K825Can - modules
View files by
Legacy and Other OS
M4KCAN Hardware Manual
[m4kcan_hw] User's Manual for M4KCAN; Hardware
M4KCAN Software Manual
[m4kcan_sw] Programmer's Reference / Software
Software Tools 32bit Windows M4KCAN
[m4kcanpci-st-win] Software Tools (API) for 32bit
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows M4KC
[m4kcanvme-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for W
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
VxWorks PPC drivers M4KCAN
[m4kcanvme-st-vx] Software Tools (API) for VxWorks
64bit Linux Software Tools M4KCAN
[m4kcanpci-st-lin-x64] Software Tools (API) for 64
Software Tools 64bit Windows M4KCAN
[m4kcanpci-st-winx64] Software Tools (API) for 64b
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
825CAN Software Manual
Programmer's Reference / Software Manual for M
M4K825CAN Hardware Manual
[m4k825can_hw] User's Manual for M4K825CAN; Ha
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows 825CAN
[825CANpci-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
64bit Linux Software Tools
[825canpciUnet-st-linux64] Software Tools (API) fo
M8K825CAN Hardware Manual
[m8k825can_hw] User's Manual for M8K825CAN; Ha
M4KDiscrete / M8KDiscrete & EXC-DiscretePCI/Dx
View files by
LabVIEW & LabWindows
Legacy and Other OS
M4KDiscrete Hardware Manual
[m4kdiscrete_hw] User's Manual for M4KDiscrete
Discrete Software Manual
[Discrete_SW] Programmer's Reference / Soft
LabWindows drivers 32bit-64bit
[m4kpcidio-cvi-win] LabWindows drivers for Windows
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kpcidio-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API) fo
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kvmedio-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for W
LabVIEW drivers 32bit
[m4kpcidio-vi-win] LabVIEW drivers (32bit) for Win
VxWorks Pentium drivers
[m4kpcidio-st-Vxpen] Software Tools (API) for VxWo
64bit Linux Software Tools
[] Software Tools (API) for
DiscretePCI-Dx Hardware Manual
[Discretepcidx-hw] User's Manual for DiscreteP
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
DiscreteGenerator manual
[DiscreteGenerator-sw] DiscretGenerator Software M
DiscreteGenerator software
[DiscreteGenerator] DiscreteGenerator GUI Software
M8KDiscrete Hardware Manual
[m8kdiscrete_hw] User's Manual for M8KDiscrete
M8KADDA - module
View files by
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[adda-pciUnet-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API)
M8KADDA Software Manual
[adda-sw] Programmer's Reference / Software Ma
64bit Linux Software Tools
[] Software Tools (API)
M8KADDA Hardware Manual
[M8KADDA_HW.pdf] User's manual for M8KADDA
M4KMMSI / M8KMMSI - modules
View files by
Legacy and Other OS
M4KMMSI Hardware Manual
[mskmmsi_hw] User's Manual for M4KMMSI; Hardwa
MMSI Software Manual
[mmsi_sw] Programmer's Reference / Software Ma
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kmmsipci-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API) f
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kmmsivme-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for
VxWorks Pentium drivers
[m4kmmsipci-st-vxpen] Software Tools (API) for VxW
64bit Linux Software Tools
[m4kmmsipci-st-ln64] Software Tools (API) for 64bi
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
M4KH009 / M8KH009 - modules
View files by
Legacy and Other OS
M4KH009 Hardware Manual
[m4kh009_HW] User's Manual for M4KH009; Hardwa
M4KH009 Software Manual
[m4kh009_sW] Programmer's Reference / Software
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kh9pcih9-st-win] Software Tools (API) for 32bit
VISA Software Tools (VME) 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kh9vmeh9-st-win] VISA Software Tools (API) for
PCI Hardware driver for Win9x
[hw-pci-9x] Device Driver for PCI cards for Window
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
64bit Linux Software Tools
[m4kh9pcih9-st-ln] Software Tools (API) for 64bit
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
M8KH009 Hardware Manual
[m8kh009_hw] User's Manual for M8KH009
M4KETH - module
View files by
Software Tools 32bit-64bit Windows
[m4kethpci-st-win32-win64] Software Tools (API) for 32bit-64bit Windows
M4KETH Hardware Manual
[M4KETH_HW] User's Manual for M4KETH; Hardware
M4KETH Software Manual
[M4KETH_SW] Programmer's Reference / Software
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 64bit Windows
[hw-pci-winx64] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for
PCI[e] Hardware driver for 32bit Windows
[hw-pci-w2k] Device Driver for PCI[e] cards for 32
PCI[e] Hardware driver for SecureBoot 64bit Window
[hw-pci-winx64-Secure-Boot-Win10] Device Driver fo
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