Serial Module for Multi Protocol 8000 and 4000 Boards

The Serial module is an interface module for the multimode, multiprotocol Excalibur EXC-4000/8000 family of carrier boards. This module supports up to 4 independent channels of serial communications, each of which can be selected as RS485, RS422 or RS232. The on-board FIFOs offer a simple interface to the module. The module operates independently of the host computer, reducing the need for host intervention.

Each of the M8KSerial and M4KSerialPlus modules’ channels contain a Transmit FIFO capable of holding up to 16,384 data bytes.

The limit of the Receive FIFO varies depending on the module and the module’s settings.

For the M8KSerial and M4KSerialPlus modules, the Receive FIFO options are:

  • 32,768 input data bytes without their associated Status Words or Time Tags
  • 16,384 data bytes with their associated Status Words
  • 5461 data bytes with their associated 32-bit Time Tags
  • 5461 data bytes with their associated 32-bit Time Tags and Status Words
  • 3276 data bytes with their associated 64-bit IRIG B Time Tags and Status Words (M8KSerial only)

These large buffers allow application code to transfer large quantities of data with a single nonblocking subroutine call. The 32-bit Time Tag on receive channels is very useful for synchronizing serial data with data from other modules on the carrier board or on other interface boards.

Serial Products: