MACC II - Converter
The MACC II is a wholly contained Miniature Airborne Communications Converter (data converter - protocol converter or translator). New Version - more protocols
MACC - embedded
The EXC-8000MACC is a standalone card for embedded systems that enables devices supporting different communications specifications (e.g. Ethernet, Serial, ARINC 429, Mil-1553, Discretes etc.) to talk to each other.
uMACC - Converter
The ES-uMACC is a table driven translator (data converter - protocol converter) - for lab use -that enables devices supporting different communications specifications (e.g. Ethernet, Serial, ARINC 429, Mil-1553, Discretes etc.) to talk to each other.
Inline MACC
The Inline MACC-TJ is a complete Miniature Airborne Communications Converter designed to convert bidirectional messages between MIL-STD-1553/1760 and Serial (RS-232/422/485). Compact, light, and with low power dissipation, the Inline MACC-TJ is the perfect solution for airborne communications incompatibilities.
MACC - Converter
The MACC is a wholly contained Miniature Airborne Communications Converter (data converter - protocol converter or translator). ***Not recommended for new projects***